Welcome to GLN
Smartphone Applications
We develop and deliver content and secure solutions to smartphone users. Our apps are available on the Mobihand platforms and on the BlackBerry Store.
Our Medical Calculator Pro series are best sellers on MobiHand.com. Buy one today!

Fifteen years of experience in Lotus Notes development for global corporations and governments, five years of Palm OS development and in 2009 a string of releases of professional Blackberry Apps, some of them already bestsellers at CrackBerry. GLN has the experience and visions to produce and deliver solutions for the new millennium.
Contact us at: info @ gln bz or +1 352 209 0244
Lotus Notes/Domino Consulting
We are specialized in delivering applications and systems for the health care and finance industries. |
Blackberry Applications
Development and sales of applications for the medical and finance professional. Ongoing projects within the equestrian industry. |
Domino and web hosting
Customized hosting and updates of Domino and html web sites. |
Palm OS Applications
Development and customization of Palm Applications |